EverQuest 2 Wiki

For a one-page step-by-step walkthrough, see Wärter Epische Waffe Komplettlösung.


During the course of this timeline you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Ally (+40,000) faction with the Synod Reet.


The Quest starter (a shifting elemental shard) is dropped by a shifting ethereal elemental (80^^^) in Kunzar Jungle around ( -675, 102, 437 ) /waypoint -675, 102, 437 or ( -548, -72, 538 ) /waypoint -548, -72, 538. It seems to spawn anywhere in the raptor valley and has a reported 1 to 2 hour (approximate) respawn time. The mob "blinks" around the valley -- meaning it only stays in one spot for a short period of time (a few seconds) before it disappears to another spot. A tracker is highly recommended for this reason, and if you see it hit it immediately before it blinks again.

NOTE: As with all of the Epic Weapon quests, you cannot start the quest until you are a Level 80 Warden -- the shard will NOT show up to be looted until you are 80.

The Quests[]

  1. A Broken Barrier
  2. Finding The Wounded
  3. Broken Barrier: Elemental Bindings
  4. Broken Barrier: Tilzax V'Reryn
  5. Broken Barrier: The Bite of the Wolf
  6. Broken Barrier: Veryn's Call
  7. Broken Barrier: Lessons of the Fallen
  8. Broken Barrier: Sealing of the Blade


  • Heroische ("Sagenumwobene") Belohnung: Biss des Wolfes
  • Epische ("Mythische") Belohnung: Biss des Wolfes

Diese Questreihen beschreiben die Quests für die sagenumwobene und mythische Version der Epischen Waffe einer Klasse.

Ihr müsst mindestens Level 80 sein, um diese Questreihe anzufangen bzw. zu beenden. Die sagenumwobene Version einer epischen Waffe erfordert nur das Abschließen von maximal heroischen Inhalt, die mythische Version dagegen beinhaltet einige epische Begegnungen sowie den Besuch von Veeshans Gipfel.
